Nottingham to provide entrepreneurship training for Malaysian Government
The initiative is led by Teraju (Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputra), a unit under the Prime Minister’s Office which spearheads, coordinates and drives the Bumiputera agenda — part of the Transformation Plan that aims for Malaysia to become a high-income, developed, resilient and competitive nation.
The partnership between UNMC and The Government of Malaysia was announced at a key event of the Program Transformasi Ekonomi Bumiputera presided over by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak was announced on November 26, 2011.
“We are very privileged to be part of this initiative, especially since this is the first time the Malaysian Government has established a strategic research and knowledge-transfer partnership with a private university,” said Professor Ian Pashby, CEO & Provost of The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
“This partnership highlights our established position in research, knowledge-transfer and education in the nation and through this partnership we will also be part in the country’s nation building,” Professor Pashby said. “Entrepreneurship is embedded throughout the University at every campus.”
The objectives of the partnership are to:
enhance the capabilities of innovation, commercialisation and entrepreneurship (ICE) for the Malaysian Government, in order to fully embrace the new National Economic Plan.
provide further education opportunities to government officials to develop capabilities on ICE.
improve the academic levels of government officials, in adherence to the National Economic Plan.
further assist in the development of ICE for the Malaysian Government.
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) will provide scholarships for part time courses for a total of five years to civil servants and key executives in government-linked companies.
The degrees include Master of Science (MSc), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) / Master of Research (MRes) / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Degree registration will be assessed by project and academic staff in conjunction with Teraju.
The University of Nottingham was the first ever winner of the Times Higher Education Award for Entrepreneurial University of the Year in 2008-2009. Nottingham encourages staff and students to be innovative, creating new commercial ventures and spin-out companies. It has also won several UK Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, one for its campuses in Asia.
The scope of studies is in line with key-focal areas of ICE for the nation. Areas of the research will be chosen from, but not limited to, the following list, in accordance with the National Economic Plan:
advanced materials and nanotechnology
aerospace technologies
economics of ICE
environmental research and sustainable technologies
Halal food and medicine
industrialised building systems
information technologies
local food and crops
palm oil technologies
policy and infrastructure studies of ICE
information and computer technologies (ICT) to underpin any of these projects (eg. operations research, optimisation, scheduling, etc)
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) first opened its doors in Kuala Lumpur in 2000. Since then, our student body in Malaysia has grown to around 4,000 — including more than 70 nationalities — based at our 101-acre dedicated campus in Semenyih. It celebrates its 11th anniversary this month.
You can find out more about courses offered by The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus at: www.nottingham.edu.my. You can also email: enquiries@nottingham.edu.my (for Malaysian students) and international.enquiries@nottingham.edu.my (for International students).
Tracking endangered elephants with satellite technology
A hundred years ago wild elephants on the Malay Peninsula could be
counted in their thousands - now there are less than 1500. In the last
50 years around 50% of forest cover in Peninsular Malaysia has been
Using the very latest GPS and satellite communication technology
experts from The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) and the
Malaysian Department of Wildlife and National Parks are tracking some
of the remaining elephants to assess the effectiveness of the Malaysian
Government’s elephant conservation and management practices.
Today, to coincide with National Diversity Day, The Malaysian
Ministry of Natural Resources through its Department of Wildlife and
National Parks is signing memorandums of understanding on research
collaboration with the UNMC and ten public Malaysian universities. The
Department and UNMC are also signing a Memorandum of Agreement
specifically for MEME, the Management & Ecology of Malaysian
Elephants research project.
MEME is a five year research project led by Dr Ahimsa
Campos-Arceiz, an ecologist and conservation expert, in the School of
Geography. The project has received funding of RM3.36m (£700,000) from a
foundation set up by the Malaysian based multinational Sime Darby to
help MEME develop a long term strategy to protect the country’s elephant
population. Other important donors for the project are Singapore Zoo,
Copenhagen Zoo, the National Zoo (US), US Fish & Wildlife Service
and private philanthropists.
Dr Campos-Arceiz said: “If we lose the elephants we lose a unique
element of tropical ecosystems. When elephants walk they trample the
soil and impact the forest in a way that no other animal does. When
elephants eat, they modify the structure of vegetation, releasing plant
parts that can be consumed by other herbivores. When elephants eat
fruits, they disperse seeds. Ultimately, elephants create habitat
heterogeneity and promote forest regeneration. All this will be lost and
we will have a much more simplified ecosystem that is less resilient
and has lost a lot of its diversity.”
Mitigating human-elephant conflict
Hunted for their tusks and stripped of their natural habitat to
make way for crops, roads and new settlements the Asian elephant is
listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of
Nature’s (IUCN) Red List.
MEME will produce information on how elephants move in natural
habitats as well as in human-dominated landscapes and how they respond
to translocation - – one of the practices used to move elephants away
from areas of human-elephant conflict (HEC). The project is also looking
at non-invasive techniques to extract DNA and hormones from elephant
faeces, developing cost-effective strategies to mitigate human-elephant
conflict and improving our understanding of elephant ecological function
in tropical rainforests.
Tracking technology
MEME and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks aim to
develop a conservation strategy based on scientifically sound knowledge
of elephant behaviour, ecology and a clear understanding of the
underlying causes of human-elephant conflict. In the next few years they
intend to fit 50 elephants (3% of the Malaysian elephant population)
with GPS-satellite tracking devices to monitor how they are responding
to the changes in their habitat, how they react to translocation – and
what effect current conservation measures such as highway viaducts and
wildlife corridors are having on the elephant population on the Malay
Once the GPS collar is fitted the elephant’s whereabouts can be
tracked in the field using VHF radio signal or at any location with
internet connection to access the GPS locations transmitted by the
collar via satellite phone. Indeed, thanks to USB internet modems, the
team is often able to access internet in the field, which makes field
tracking far easier.
Tropical forest at risk
Recent research led by Dr Campos-Arceiz has shown that the
elimination of seed-dispersing animals such as the Asian elephant puts
the structural integrity and biodiversity of the tropical forest of
South-East Asia at risk.
His team of international experts have confirmed that not even
herbivores like tapirs can replace them in doing this essential job.
Their research ‘Asian Tapirs Are NO Elephants When it Comes To Seed
Dispersal’ has just been published in the academic journal Biotropica.
Dr Campos-Arceiz said: “Elephants and rhinoceroses play a unique
ecological role that cannot be replaced by other species. These mega
herbivores act as the ‘gardeners’ of humid tropical forests. They are
vital to forest regeneration and maintain its structure and
biodiversity. If the elephants and rhinoceroses are lost the ecological
trajectories of the ecosystem will change irreversibly.”
MEME in action
Dr Campos-Arceiz and his team work in close collaboration with the
Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Peninsular Malaysia. They
have a permanent field centre deep in the Malaysian jungle, a field
project manager and a team of research assistants and field assistants
who are already monitoring nine elephants which have been fitted with
the specially designed tracking collars.
The new funding will help to support three PhDs specifically for
Malaysian students to study elephant stress levels, the development of
genetic molecular tools to study elephant populations in tropical
rainforests and the characterisation and mitigation of HECs.
Dr Campos-Arceiz said: “These scholarships will help to establish a
bigger pool of local experts in wildlife management. We also employ
staff from the Orang Asli community, Malaysian indigenous people, to tap
into their expertise and knowledge of the elephants and their habitat
in the rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia.”
For more information go to: http://www.camposarceiz.com or www.meme-elephants.org
UTAR and Huawei to set up teaching lab
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) was one the 10 leading local universities that signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Huawei Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd on 14 June 2012 to set up a Huawei University Teaching Laboratory at their campuses.
Huawei, headquartered in China, is a global technology company supplying telecommunication and networking equipment and solution. At a ceremony where Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak officially opened the Huawei Malaysia Global Training Centre in Cyberjaya, the signing parties exchanged MoU documents.
Also present at the ceremony were Prime Minister's Special Envoy to China Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, Huawei Senior Vice President Victor Wang, Chinese Ambassador Chai Xi, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Halim bin Ali and Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof.
Signing for the two parties were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik and Huawei Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd Chief Executive Officer Dai Jingyue. UTAR Vice President (R & D and Commercialisation) Prof Dr Lee Sze Wei and Huawei Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd Deputy Chief Executive Officer Foo Fang Yong signed as witnesses.
Under the MoU, the two parties agreed to work together to set up a Huawei University Teaching Laboratory at a UTAR campus to deliver industry-relevant curriculum to UTAR students to enhance their employability after graduating. The arrangement would contribute to providing competent talents to the growing human capital need of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector.
UTAR would fund the setting up of the teaching laboratory, while Huawei would highly subsidise the necessary courseware, which UTAR would adopt or adapt for teaching. Collaborating with Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), Huawei would conduct the train-the-trainers sessions to prepare UTAR lecturers. Huawei would also facilitate internship placements for UTAR students and job placements for UTAR graduates within Huawei group of companies and partners. In return, UTAR would promote ICT studies to more students.
The partnership with Huawei was yet another all-win initiative UTAR had engaged itself in. It would benefit the students, the University, Huawei, the industry and the country.
Prof Chuah (front right) exchanging MoU document with Dai; while (from left) Tan Sri Ong, Wang (hidden), Dato' Sri Najib, Chai (hidden), Datuk Fadillah and Tan Sri Abdul Halim look on.
Dato' Sri Najib (centre) officially opening the Huawei Malaysia Global Training Centre, and Wang (left) and Chai look on.
Huawei, headquartered in China, is a global technology company supplying telecommunication and networking equipment and solution. At a ceremony where Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak officially opened the Huawei Malaysia Global Training Centre in Cyberjaya, the signing parties exchanged MoU documents.
Also present at the ceremony were Prime Minister's Special Envoy to China Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, Huawei Senior Vice President Victor Wang, Chinese Ambassador Chai Xi, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Halim bin Ali and Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof.
Signing for the two parties were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik and Huawei Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd Chief Executive Officer Dai Jingyue. UTAR Vice President (R & D and Commercialisation) Prof Dr Lee Sze Wei and Huawei Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd Deputy Chief Executive Officer Foo Fang Yong signed as witnesses.
Under the MoU, the two parties agreed to work together to set up a Huawei University Teaching Laboratory at a UTAR campus to deliver industry-relevant curriculum to UTAR students to enhance their employability after graduating. The arrangement would contribute to providing competent talents to the growing human capital need of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector.
UTAR would fund the setting up of the teaching laboratory, while Huawei would highly subsidise the necessary courseware, which UTAR would adopt or adapt for teaching. Collaborating with Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), Huawei would conduct the train-the-trainers sessions to prepare UTAR lecturers. Huawei would also facilitate internship placements for UTAR students and job placements for UTAR graduates within Huawei group of companies and partners. In return, UTAR would promote ICT studies to more students.
The partnership with Huawei was yet another all-win initiative UTAR had engaged itself in. It would benefit the students, the University, Huawei, the industry and the country.
Prof Chuah (front right) exchanging MoU document with Dai; while (from left) Tan Sri Ong, Wang (hidden), Dato' Sri Najib, Chai (hidden), Datuk Fadillah and Tan Sri Abdul Halim look on.
Dato' Sri Najib (centre) officially opening the Huawei Malaysia Global Training Centre, and Wang (left) and Chai look on.
Khaled: Use Facebook in varsities
believe that higher education should grow along with the latest
developments in information technology in order to stay current with
students. Social networks get the message across effectively and that is
what matters most.
"Students usually respond faster to Facebook threads when compared with university portals. Hence, it is a good move."
said institutions of higher learning should look into using more
interactive teaching methods, adding that communicating via social
networks was a good start.
Sains Malaysia Associate Professor Mohd Kamarul Kabilan said the use of
social media for educational purposes inculcated a more positive
attitude towards learning.
said his research showed that 67.9 per cent of the students
interviewed said they had gained confidence when communicating with
their classmates as well as their lecturers.
Kamarul said the question of whether the tool was useful or not depended on the lecturers and students.
features such as the 'wall', 'notes' and 'video uploads' can be
used for learning in the form of exchanging and sharing of ideas,
thinking critically and encouraging collaboration."
Islamic University Malaysia macroeconomics lecturer Riasat Amin said
communicating with his students through the Internet had a profound
impact on the dynamics of his classroom.
"Social networks have definitely helped bridge the gap we had with my students. We connect better in class now."
explained that online platforms had made the teaching and learning
process more interactive as students who were too shy to raise questions
during class could express themselves online.
survey conducted by Taylor's School of Communication found that
students tend to respond better through Facebook compared with
university online portals.
"When they use student portals, they feel like it is work.
communication through social media is a more relaxed process," said
Taylor's Communication and Media Management programme director Catherine
Lee Cheng Kiat.
said 99 per cent of her students had Facebook accounts, hence the
possibility of students being left out of online discussions was rare.
Students, in turn, have responded positively to this new method spearheaded by their lecturers.
student Hoh May Kay, 22, said social networks had made it more
convenient for her to follow course announcements and assignment
She said she preferred chatting with her lecturers through Facebook as she could get an immediate response from them.
engineering student Mohd Akram Mohd Yusof, 21, said social media could
become an important tool for teachers to reach out to unresponsive
spend half our time on the Internet and by engaging students here,
lecturers get to reach out to those who are beyond the barrier." By
Nicholas Cheng and Kanyakumari Damodaran
Source from - NST
April 2012
Kuala Lumpur
The first French channel in the country, this 24-hour international news channel is now available exclusively
on HyppTV Channel 128. HyppTV is the latest pay TV service, powered by
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) through its high speed broadband service,
UniFi. With the launch of FRANCE 24, the French community in Malaysia
will now have a new channel to get the latest updates on international
Commenting on the introduction of the new channel on HyppTV, Jeremy Kung, Executive Vice President, New Media said, “We are proud to provide the platform to broadcast FRANCE 24, the first French language channel in the country. With this latest addition, HyppTV is able to bring news, issues and events from around the world, catered for the French speaking community in Malaysia. This will complement the other international and local news channels that are already available on HyppTV. At HyppTV, we continue to acquire new content, in line with our strategy to offer our viewers the flexibility to view their content of choice, including the news channels.”
For Brice Bertrand, FRANCE 24 Distribution Director Asia Pacific, “This collaboration is a crucial step for our channel and its ongoing implementation in Asia. This launch on HyppTV, Malaysia’s leading IPTV service provider, is not only a source of great satisfaction, it is also extremely strategic. By proposing our French version "Ã la carte", we now offer easy access to FRANCE 24 to all French expatriates and the French speaking community across the country.”
Broadcasted in three languages - French, English and Arabic - reaching today 245 million households throughout the world and gathering 45 million TV viewers each week, FRANCE 24 covers international news from a French perspective, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whilst sharing French values across the globe.
In delivering the news, FRANCE 24 provides key background information as well as analytical elements to offer viewers a clearer context and help them better understand the international developments taking place.
FRANCE 24's programming is divided more or less equally between news coverage and news magazines and special reports. Its schedule is modular and flexible, and can be adapted very easily depending on what the news of the day requires. FRANCE 24 always makes it a priority to broadcast the day’s major events live.
Every half hour, FRANCE 24 broadcasts a comprehensive update on the latest international news with a 10-minute news bulletin, preceded by a global weather forecast.
FRANCE 24 also puts culture at the forefront with a daily cultural bulletin aimed to promote French “art de vivre” and explore the latest trends and leading events across the globe.
Backed by a robust network of correspondents across the planet, FRANCE 24 also brings the best in special reports. Through a variety of programmes every day, FRANCE 24 provides a powerful platform for healthy debate, allowing viewers to better grasp the social, economic and cultural news around the world.
FRANCE 24 is available on HyppTV Channel 128 as one of its premium Channel offerings. The channel can be purchased on an ‘Ã -la-carte’ basis at RM20 per month. As an introductory promotion, FRANCE 24 subscribers also stand a chance to win an iPad2 in a contest that begins today and will end on 31 May 2012. It’s so easy to participate, just press the i button on the HyppTV remote control to access the inter@ctive platform, answer 3 questions, complete a slogan creatively and submit the answers on the contest page on HyppTV inter@ctive platform.
There are four (4) easy ways to subscribe to France 24, as follows:
Commenting on the introduction of the new channel on HyppTV, Jeremy Kung, Executive Vice President, New Media said, “We are proud to provide the platform to broadcast FRANCE 24, the first French language channel in the country. With this latest addition, HyppTV is able to bring news, issues and events from around the world, catered for the French speaking community in Malaysia. This will complement the other international and local news channels that are already available on HyppTV. At HyppTV, we continue to acquire new content, in line with our strategy to offer our viewers the flexibility to view their content of choice, including the news channels.”
For Brice Bertrand, FRANCE 24 Distribution Director Asia Pacific, “This collaboration is a crucial step for our channel and its ongoing implementation in Asia. This launch on HyppTV, Malaysia’s leading IPTV service provider, is not only a source of great satisfaction, it is also extremely strategic. By proposing our French version "Ã la carte", we now offer easy access to FRANCE 24 to all French expatriates and the French speaking community across the country.”
Broadcasted in three languages - French, English and Arabic - reaching today 245 million households throughout the world and gathering 45 million TV viewers each week, FRANCE 24 covers international news from a French perspective, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whilst sharing French values across the globe.
In delivering the news, FRANCE 24 provides key background information as well as analytical elements to offer viewers a clearer context and help them better understand the international developments taking place.
FRANCE 24's programming is divided more or less equally between news coverage and news magazines and special reports. Its schedule is modular and flexible, and can be adapted very easily depending on what the news of the day requires. FRANCE 24 always makes it a priority to broadcast the day’s major events live.
Every half hour, FRANCE 24 broadcasts a comprehensive update on the latest international news with a 10-minute news bulletin, preceded by a global weather forecast.
FRANCE 24 also puts culture at the forefront with a daily cultural bulletin aimed to promote French “art de vivre” and explore the latest trends and leading events across the globe.
Backed by a robust network of correspondents across the planet, FRANCE 24 also brings the best in special reports. Through a variety of programmes every day, FRANCE 24 provides a powerful platform for healthy debate, allowing viewers to better grasp the social, economic and cultural news around the world.
FRANCE 24 is available on HyppTV Channel 128 as one of its premium Channel offerings. The channel can be purchased on an ‘Ã -la-carte’ basis at RM20 per month. As an introductory promotion, FRANCE 24 subscribers also stand a chance to win an iPad2 in a contest that begins today and will end on 31 May 2012. It’s so easy to participate, just press the i button on the HyppTV remote control to access the inter@ctive platform, answer 3 questions, complete a slogan creatively and submit the answers on the contest page on HyppTV inter@ctive platform.
There are four (4) easy ways to subscribe to France 24, as follows:
1. On HyppTV
Go to channel 128 and press “OK” button to subscribe
2. UniFi portal
Log on and subscribe at MyUniFi portal (http://occ.unifi.my)
3. TM UniFi Centre
Call in to TM UniFi Centre (TMUC) at 1-300-88-1222
4. TMpoint
Walk in to the nearest TMpoint
HyppTV, TM’s IPTV service, is powered by UniFi and is available to viewers come rain or shine through its residential UniFi packages. Currently, HyppTV offers customers 87 channels consisting of 19 free channels, 33 premium channels, 17 Video-On-Demand (VOD) genres and 18 interactive channels.
For more info about HyppTV, log on to www.tm.com.my/hypptv and visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/hyppworld.
TM Collaborates with Pernec Paypoint for Expansion of Wireless Broadband Service
Company signed a collaboration agreement on 25 October 2010 with PERNEC
PayPoint Sdn Bhd (PPSB), a subsidiary of PERNEC Corporation Bhd for
Wireless Broadband Deployment to expand our Streamyx Zone WiFi coverage
at strategic locations of Pernec Payphones nationwide.
Rafaai Samsi,
Executive Vice President, TM Wholesale signed the Agreement on behalf
of TM, while PPSB was represented by its Chief Executive Officer, Tengku
Asmaluddin Tengku Arshad. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Datuk Bazlan Osman, Executive Director / Group Chief Financial Officer, TM and Abdul Karim Abdul Sallam, Managing Director, PERNEC Corporation Berhad.
strategic alliance between both companies will bring about the
deployment of TM’s Streamyx Zone at Pernec Paypoint strategic locations
nationwide, thereby further expanding TM’s wireless broadband coverage. We
target to widen the coverage to 10,000 sites by the end of this year,
either by ourselves or by working with partners such as Pernec. I
am pleased to note that the partnership that we seal today will
increase our coverage to an additional 2,000 sites throughout the
country,” said Datuk Bazlan.
at the ceremony, Abdul Karim said that with the availability of over
35,000 payphones nationwide, PPSB is well positioned to contribute to
the expansion of TM’s Streamyx Zone sites. To date, Abdul Karim noted
that PPSB has invested over RM5 million to purchase the necessary
equipment and has installed the hotspots at more than 400 locations, adding that the company projected to install up to 3,000 hotspots this year and at another 5,000 locations in 2011. PPSB
also plans to increase the number of its fixed line payphones by
another 10,000 to cater to the expected high demand for broadband
internet across the country.
our establishment in 1973, PERNEC has aggressively participated in
nation building, and we view this collaboration as part of our
contribution for this purpose. Our experience in the telecommunications
sector has enabled us to offer the best, cost effective solution to our
clients,” added Abdul Karim.
TM currently has 3,400 Streamyx Zones sites nationwide, providing WiFi broadband access to its 328,000
subscribers at public places, including shopping malls, cafes and
F&B chains, airports, convention centres, hotels, university
campuses, hospitals, golf club houses and many more. Customers can also
enjoy this facility on prepaid basis by purchasing the prepaid card for
Streamyx Zone at the nearest TMpoints and selected sales outlets
To spot a Streamyx Zone site, simply look out for the Streamyx Zone sign at your local eatery, shopping malls or refer to www.streamyx.com.my. This
service can be accessed with a laptop, PDA, Tablet PC or other mobile
devices with standard Wi-Fi capability (802.11b/g wireless LAN standard)
at any Streamyx Zone nationwide. Users can conveniently check their
e-mail, browse the Internet, make phone calls via Voice over Internet
Protocol (VOIP) service, watch video-streaming and blog, among others.
Users only need to open their web browser and key-in their username and
password. Once connected, users can enjoy broadband speeds of up to
384kbps and 100% mobility within the range of the access point.
as Malaysia’s broadband champion, continues to provide broadband
Internet access to the consumers nationwide via fixed and wireless
connectivity. In addition to its Broadband for the General Population
(BBGP) under the brand Streamyx with the fastest speeds of 4Mbps, TM is
aggressively offering its High Speed Broadband (HSBB) service, UniFi
which promises bandwidth at faster network access speed of 5Mbps and
above, targeting superior end-to-end network performance, including
international bandwidth. All these initiatives, including enhancing
customers’ online experience, are testament to TM’s support towards the
National Broadband Initiative (NBI).
Malaysia’s national and largest payphone operator, is leading the way
in reinventing the payphones business by integrating them with a host of
new communications applications in an effort to ensure that payphones
remain relevant in today’s fast-changing technological world.
KUALA LUMPUR, Friday – Pos
Malaysia will issue a collection of special stamps and First Day Cover
featuring the new design for Malaysian currencies. The stamps and First
Day Cover is part of Pos Malaysia's collaboration with Bank Negara and
will be issued on 16 July 2012 (Monday).
rich and varied cultural and natural heritage inspires the design of
the Second Series of Malaysian Currency stamp issue, which is the 4th
series of the nation's currency history.
Malaysia's collaboration with Bank Negara to issue the special stamps
and philatelic items is recognition to Bank Negara's role in the
nation's development and reflects the unique identity of our Malaysia
currencies in the philatelic items. This unique collection will
definitely excite philately and numismatics lovers all over the world,"
said YBhg Dato' Khalid Abdol Rahman, Group Chief Executive Officer of
Pos Malaysia Berhad.
The set of
stamps features the four denominations of coins in a unique hexagonal
shape and on silver foil embossing for 5sen and10sen and gold foil
embossing for 20sen and 50sen. The stamps are produced in 2 sets of
block of 10 stamps for each designs of the coins (each block of 10
features the front and back design of each coins) all are in 60sen
denomination. In addition to the set of stamps, the currency notes
valued at RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM50 and RM100 are portrayed in the set
of six Miniature Sheets priced at RM5.00 each.
4th series of Malaysian currency coins are based on the ethnic arts and
handicraft motifs from Peninsular Malaysia, as well as Sabah and
Sarawak while the new series of Malaysian banknotes showcases many of
the fascinating facets of Malaysia: her timeless arts and crafts,
diverse flora and fauna, spectacular natural wonders, and modern
commercial achievements.
"Another special feature of the new stamps collection, especially for the stamps are that they are all printed in with silver and gold foil with detailed etching
which are rarely produced and this is done to accentuate the colour and
design of our coins. We hope that our customers would take the
opportunity to purchase these unique stamps to add to their stamp
collection," Dato' Khalid added.
** Further details are available on the enclosed brochure.
enthusiasts are advised to join SODA (Standing Order Deposit Account)
to enjoy the convenience of receiving their stamps and other philatelic
products without having to queue up at the post office on the day of
issue. In addition to that customers can now enjoy the convenience of
Online Philately at www.posonline.com.my to open SODA account, top up and check for the balance in their SODA account and update personal details.
For further information log on to www.pos.com.my
or visit your nearest Pos Malaysia Outlet or the Stamp & Philately
Division at 1st Floor, Pos Malaysia Headquarters, Dayabumi Complex,
Kuala Lumpur. Alternatively, please call 03-2274 1122 ext. 6830 or
e-mail to filateli@pos.com.my for enquiries.
-- END --
Issued on behalf of Pos Malaysia by the Corporate Communications Department of Pos Malaysia.
For media inquiries, please contact YBhg Dato Rohaiza Hashim, Group Head of Corporate Communications at 03-2274 1122 (rohaiza@pos.com.my) or Miss Maisara Noor Ahmad, Manager for Branding and Media Relations at 03-2267 2204 (maisara@pos.com.my).
About Pos Malaysia Berhad
Pos Malaysia Berhad is Malaysia’s premier physical communications
provider. Its vast experience as well as extensive network spanning
across the country forms a solid backbone to support Pos Malaysia’s
expansion and development strategy.
Malaysia has a widespread network of over 700 Pos Malaysia Outlets all
over the country in addition to our network of Pos Mini, Pos-on-Wheels,
postal agents and stamp agents, making it one of the most extensive
retail network in Malaysia.
Malaysia’s Strategic Business Units, aimed to provide quality, reliable,
timely and innovative solutions to our customers, encompasses the
following :
- PosMel : Mail and postal services
- PosLaju : Courier and express mail services
- PosNiaga : Retail business services
the years, Pos Malaysia has grown from strength to strength and is
progressing from being a mail and postal services provider towards
becoming a dynamic physical communications provider. Moving forward, Pos
Malaysia will continue to transform and innovate itself in order to
maintain its relevance and competitive edge as well as continue to
connect Malaysians with the rest of the world. For further information
about Pos Malaysia, please visit our website at www.pos.com.my.
Important Notice: Maybank2u Secured Site
Dear valued customer,
Please be informed that you might experience difficulties in accessing Maybank2u Secured Site.
We are working hard to rectify the issue and would like to apologise in advance should you encounter any inconvenience.
Please contact our Maybank Group Customer Care at 1300 88 6688 if you require any assistance.
Please be informed that you might experience difficulties in accessing Maybank2u Secured Site.
We are working hard to rectify the issue and would like to apologise in advance should you encounter any inconvenience.
Please contact our Maybank Group Customer Care at 1300 88 6688 if you require any assistance.
Celcom Axiata Berhad
Celcom | |||
Year of Investment/Shareholding | 2008/100% | ||
Nature of Business | Mobile | ||
Technology Deployed | GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, HSDPA |
Celcom is the country’s premier and most experienced mobile telecommunications company with close to 12 million customers. It is also the leading mobile broadband service provider in Malaysia with over 937,000 subscribers. Celcom provides prepaid and postpaid mobile services and leads the industry with mobile broadband services in Malaysia. Celcom also enjoys significant market share in other areas of business namely content and VAS, enterprise solutions and bulk wholesale services. In line with the evolving technologies and changing consumer behaviour in Malaysia, Celcom is moving towards integrated multi–access and multimedia services.
With the widest network coverage in the country, its 2G and 3G networks covers 95.0% and 81.7% of the population respectively, Celcom continues to invest in network coverage, capacity and performance, and intends to maintain its technology leadership and position as the country’s best mobile service provider.
Celcom always gives top priority to its customers and has set up a consumer lab to understand them better. This, as well as numerous initiatives in product and service innovation and focus on customer service and experience, has resulted in Celcom winning several accolades at both local and regional level.
Celcom has been a pioneer in Malaysia for industry leading partnerships which include mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs), domestic and international roaming, and infrastructure sharing. Celcom now has 5 MVNO partnerships riding on its strong mobile network. Its long standing partnership with Vodafone enables subscribers to enjoy international roaming service in 190 countries and over 513 networks worldwide. This partnership provides Celcom’s customers with unrivalled global coverage, the lowest IDD and roaming rates and the latest mobile technologies, whilst giving Celcom access to Vodafone’s global purchasing and economies of scale. The infrastructure sharing initiative with DiGi Tel is also paving the way for sustainable growth of its data networks, ensuring optimum network coverage to deliver the best overall mobile experience for its customers.
Undergraduate Focus: A vast IT world awaits
INFORMATION technology has become a significant component of world economic activity and is recognised as a major economic resource. Organisations have grown to view their information resources as strategic assets, utilising these resources as an instrument in enhancing the country’s competitiveness in industry and international trade. Traditionally, major organisational assets were classified as human, financial, material, equipment and management resources.
In order to enhance information technology, University College Shahputra (UCSA) through its Faculty of Information and Interactive Technology (FIIT) is passionate in research, teaching and learning in the computer science, information technology and multimedia fields.
Students can choose to major in computer science, information technology or multimedia and will acquire problem solving skills that are needed in the working world.
To gain entry into the Bachelor in Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) Software Engineering programmes, students can apply through three options. The first option is through a recognised matriculation or foundation with CGPA 2.0 and a credit in mathematics at the SPM or SPMV level.
The second option is entry with an STPM or A-Level with two full passes or equivalent qualification or equivalent with minimum CGPA of 2.0. The third option is entry with a diploma. The last option is entry with any other diploma with a minimum CGPA of 2.5, and a credit in mathematics at SPM/SPMV levels.
Graduates from the Bachelor in Information Technology programme can apply for jobs as project managers, systems administrators, IT officers, network administrators, systems analysts, programmers, webmasters, educators or even database administrators.
Graduates from Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) Software Engineering can find employment as software engineers (application/system), systems analysts, project managers, educators, web designers, games programmers, software/web developers, and business/system engineers.
UCSA also offers diploma programmes including the Diploma in Information Technology, Diploma in Interactive Multimedia and Diploma in Software Development.
To gain entry into the Diploma in Information Technology programme, students must obtain at least three credits including mathematics. The second option is through entry with STPM or A-levels qualification with at least one principal pass in any subject and a credit in mathematics at SPM or SPMV levels. The last option is entry with a technical, vocational or computing certificate or equivalent qualification with one year of relevant work experience or one semester of a bridging programme.
For the Diploma in Interactive Multimedia programme, students must pass their SPM with at least three credits in any subject and a pass in arts. For applicants without an arts qualification, they must pass an interview session, drawing test or portfolio review.
Students interested in the Diploma in Software Development programme, must obtain at least three credits including mathematics. They can also gain entry with an STPM or A-levels qualification with at least one principal in any subject and a credit in mathematics at SPM or SPMV levels. The last option is entry with a technical or vocational or computing certificate or equivalent recognised qualification coupled with one year of relevant working experience or one semester of a bridging programme.
For more information www.universitycollegeshahputra.edu.my
M'sia needs to produce own cyber security software Read more: M'sia needs to produce own cyber security software
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia needs to produce its own cyber information security software as depending on foreign software may risk information leaks and intelligence breaches, said a software expert here today.
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty dean Prof Dr Ramlan Mahmod said infiltration could happen covertly as currently there was a lack of understanding on source code logic streams used by foreign software."At the moment, there is no software capable of checking the source code of software to ensure the software used is confirmed safe.
"For the realisation of this information technology, the country needs to acquire 'technical knowhow' in information security and expertise in various fields such as computer science, mathematics and engineering," he told Bernama.
He said to acquire the expertise, the nation needed to carry out the foundation work such as training more experts in information technology and by bringing in more external technologies into the country.
Dr Ramlan said information leaks could happen in two situations, that is when the data was in transmission and hacking of existing data in storage.
"To prevent hackers from attacking data in transmission or unauthorised access to data storage, the information could be encrypted or hidden.
"This is the basis of information and software development important to ensure our cyber defence," he said.
He said the government needed to play a major role to set up a strong system of cyber defence as it needed financial commitment, expertise, legislation and continuous monitoring.
"Cyber security is the same as national security involving many operational aspects such as prevention, defence, detecting, intelligence and attack.
"It also needs sophiscated technical knowledge in information security and continuous upgrading of capability considering hackers are also improving their attacks," he said. -- BERNAMA
Pahang, UMP set up centre in biodiversity and biotechnology
Thursday June 16, 2011
KUANTAN: The Pahang government and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) have jointly set up a research and excellence centre in biodiversity and biotechnology in a move to optimise and boost its market potentials.The project would also meet the demand for experts in research, development and commercialisation activities (R&D&C).
The centre was officially opened by Sultan of Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah in conjunction with the launching of a mini Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism (MAHA) show at an agriculture park in Indera Mahkota near here recently.
UMP vice chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim said the university was already acting as an adviser to the state’s Science, Technology and Information Technology committee in developing biodiversity and biotechnology for commercial purposes.
“The centre will provide training, services, consultation and expertise of UMP’s researchers for entrepreneurs in the two fields.
“The efforts are expected to help realise the state’s biodiversity-biotechnology strategic plan to sustainably reap benefits from the natural wealth and resources and boost economic activities,’’ he added.
Daing said UMP would also develop related R&D&C projects aimed at creating products with higher added values.
Among the functions of the centre, which covers an area of 700 square metres, included identifying species with commercial values, conducting tests to validate potential chemicals derived from plants, developing processes to extract essence as well as analysing microbes in water and soil.
The centre would also act as a reference centre for the public and students to get information and be exposed to biodiversity through activities carried out in the park.
News Market Watch Bursa Malaysia My Portfolio Exchange Rates Unit Trusts Market Intelligence IPO Watch Company Ratings Bonus & Dividends Financial Results Share Buybacks Changes in Shareholdings Currency Converter Investor Relations Maritime Wednesday June 6, 2012 Manulife unit checking out best IT system to implement Malaysia's first private retirement scheme
Wednesday June 6, 2012
By WONG WEI-SHENweishen.wong@thestar.com.my
KUALA LUMPUR: Manulife Holdings Bhd's unit trust arm Manulife Unit Trust Bhd (MUTB)
is looking to its partners in Hong Kong and the United States to find
the best information technology (IT) system to enable ease of
implementation of Malaysia's first private retirement scheme (PRS).
MUTB executive director Jason Chong
said: “We are leveraging on our Manulife operations throughout the
world. We are learning from all these countries, through the systems
that they have in place in order to find the best fit for the Malaysian
He added that MUTB is looking at the best practices, strengths and weaknesses of the PRS market in Hong Kong.
“In terms of the IT systems and programmes that they have, I think it is very impressive,” he said.
held a roundtable meeting with Manulife Asset Management head of global
asset allocation, senior portfolio manager or portfolio solutions group
Robert Boyda and Manulife Provident Funds Trust Co Ltd chief executive officer Luzia Hung to get best practices insight from them to incorporate PRS in terms of operations and products.
April, the Securities Commission (SC) announced the approval of eight
firms to offer PRS services to the public. The eight firms are
AmInvestment Management, American International Assurance,
CIMB-Principal Asset Management, Hwang Investment Management, ING Funds,
Manulife Unit Trust, Public Mutual, and RHB Investment Management.
SC has given six months for the firms to comply with conditions set out
by the SC, which includes its approval for the firms' schemes and fund
under the PRS. All firms are looking to meeting the Oct 6 deadline to
launch their PRS schemes and funds.
Chong said MUTB was in the advance stage of PRS product development and was currently checking out some ideas.
was first proposed by the Government under the Capital Market
Masterplan 2 to encourage additional savings. It is voluntary in
participation and contribution, and is targeted at all segments of the
population, namely the employed and self-employed who have disposable
It will provide a framework for a viable and secure
private pension industry to co-exist alongside the mandatory retirement
schemes operated by the Government and will provide an alternative
mechanism for voluntary savings to grow.
Fugro-Jason Donates Jason Software Licenses to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (14 March 2012)
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Fugro-Jason Donates Jason Software Licenses worth USD17 million to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS | ||
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March 14, 2012, Bandar Seri Iskandar –
Fugro-Jason, the leader in reservoir characterization technology for the
oil and gas industry, announced a major donation to the Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in the form of Jason™ reservoir
characterization software licenses. These licenses will be used by
students and faculty within the Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering
Department. Fugro-Jason will also provide initial training on all
aspects of the software, including petrophysics and rock physics
analysis, geologic modeling, and seismic inversion.
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“UTP places a strong emphasis on
research and development with specific value to industry and nation,”
said Eric Adams, Fugro-Jason Managing Director. “Our hope is that this
donation of leading edge geoscience software will inspire creativity,
innovation and leadership in UTP students and prepare them for a bright
future in the oil and gas industry.”
UTP was founded in 1997 and is wholly
owned by PETRONAS, the national oil company of Malaysia. The university
offers a range of engineering and technical programmes designed to
develop the nation’s skilled workforce. The university offers both
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
This is invaluable for the geoscience
students to have access to technology so crucial to oil and gas
development. This donation by Fugro-Jason will enable them to become
more proficient at oilfield assessment and advanced in their analyses.
Jason reservoir characterization
software is well suited for the challenges routinely faced in Malaysia
and the region. Many companies in Malaysia have been using Jason
technology since the 90’s and it has become their standard software and
The handover ceremony was held in Senate Hall of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. In attendance were Mr Jimmy Ting, Region Manager, Fugro-Jason, UTP Management Committee, Faculty members of UTP Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering Department and executives from Fugro-Jason | ||
Fugro-Jason (www.fugro-jason.com)
delivers innovative software products and services to help clients
identify and produce hydrocarbon deposits by integrating information
from the various geoscience disciplines. Fugro-Jason software
applications make it possible to integrate geological, geophysical,
geostatistical, petrophysical and rock physics information into a single
consistent model of the earth. Applying Fugro-Jason’s technology
through its software and consulting services substantially improves
E&P investment return by adding invaluable reservoir model
information to reduce the risks, costs and cycle-times associated with
exploration, appraisal and field development and production. Fugro-Jason
is an operating company of Fugro NV. Fugro was founded in 1962 and is
listed on Euronext NV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fugro has more than
13,500 staff and a permanent presence in more than 50 countries.
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) | ||
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) was
established in 1997 and offers a wide range of engineering and
technology programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels,
complemented by a strong focus on Research and Development (R&D).
The programmes are designed with high industry relevance. It has grown
to be one of the most prominent private universities in Malaysia and
currently has about 5,600 undergraduates and 900
postgraduates. Recently, UTP along with 17 other universities, has been
rated as Tier 5 (Excellent) University for year 2009 Rating System for
the Malaysian Higher Education Institutions (SETARA ’09) by Ministry of
Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia.
In addition to its engineering and
technology based programmes, UTP also provides quality education in the
areas of management and the humanities, with the aim of producing
graduates who are well rounded exhibiting excellent leadership qualities
and communication abilities. Research at UTP is focused on Biomedical
Engineering, CO2 Management, Deepwater Technology, Enhanced Oil
Recovery, Hybrid Energy Systems, Green Technologies, Intelligent City,
Nanotechnology and Sustainable Resources. The researchers are carried
out in collaboration with PETRONAS and other institutions and industries
locally and abroad.
For more information on UTP, please visit http://www.utp.edu.my | ||
For more information, kindly contact: | ||
Aslinda Jamaludin, Media Relations, UTP : 05-3688243| 019-4762124| aslinda_j@petronas.com.my | ||
Joe Jacquot, Fugro-Jason Marketing Manager, Houston, USA : 713-369-6938 / mailto:jjacquot@fugro-jason.com. |
World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON 2012) (12 – 14 June 2012)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in
collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), the Ministry
of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and Yayasan UTP
organised the World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress
(ESTCON2012), deemed as one of the largest world congresses Malaysia has
ever hosted. It was officially opened by the Minister of Higher
Education, YB Dato’ Sri Mohamed Khaled Nordin on 12 June 2012 and closed
by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, YB Dato’ Sri
Peter Chin Fah Kui on 14 June 2012. Themed "Towards Sustainability:
Bridging Engineering, Technology and Humanities", it successfully
gathered about 1,200 experts from 45 various countries representing
diverse fields of research and innovation in the spirit of sustaining
knowledge for the betterment of humanity.
In his opening speech, YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khalid remarked that the theme of the congress was indeed relevant to Malaysia’s transformation into a developed country by 2020. He said, “Malaysia has come a long way in promoting research and understanding in the various areas on science and technology. While science and technology are important, social sciences and the humanities should never be marginalised and should be treated as equally important. The moment we neglect the arts and humanities, which nurture the critical and the creative perspective, then we are in fact neglecting the need for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for the adventure of ideas, and for the search of truth.”
For the Opening Ceremony, two notable speakers delivered their keynote addresses. The first keynote entitled ‘Sustainability, Energy, and Civilization: Issues and Options’ was delivered by Professor Dr Michael A Celia, Professor of Environmental Studies and Civil & Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, USA. He is also the contributing author to IPCC Working Group III Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage who shares in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. In delivering his keynote, Professor Celia revealed that science and technology provided the best options in solving the sustainability-energy problem.
The second keynote entitled “Roles and Responsibilities of Humanity Facing Global Challenges in the 21st Century" was delivered by Professor Dr Feng Da-Hsuan, Vice President of Global Strategy, Development and Evaluation, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Professor Feng concluded that in order to solve global challenges, one must not be totally dependent on science and technology, but to also understand human behaviors and public policies, as they would help in building a better world for the human race in the 21st century.
This biennial three-day congress also included 23 parallel sessions with 26 renowned plenary speakers who are experts in their respective fields. It comprised eight simultaneously-held international conferences, namely the:
ESTCON2012 has also worked on a special Carbon Offset Project (COP) called “Save the Earth” to help minimize global warming by planting trees during the organization of the congress. For this project, UTP focus on reducing and reworking strategies to minimise carbon footprint in three key areas involved in organising the Congress, namely air travel, paper usage and electricity consumption. To achieve this, trees are planted to minimise or counter back the carbon emission level. Some of these trees are sponsored by the staff of the university. The sponsorship received for this congress are also channeled to fund the tree planting activities.
This is the second time that UTP had embarked on the project. For ESTCON 2010, 200 trees were planted at UTP and another 200 trees were planted last week in conjunction with this year’s ESTCON.
During the closing ceremony of the three day congress, YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin Fah Kui, Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Science, hoped that UTP have set the precedence and foundation for more practical sustainable solutions in various disciplines and increase efficient use of energy, water and materials. He also congratulated UTP as ESTCON 2012 has met its objectives of serving as an important platform for academic, researchers, scientists, engineers, interest groups and industry experts from all the around the world to share knowledge, have fruitful intellectual discussions and forge meaningful networking on various areas of interest. Later, YB Dato’ Sri Peter also gave away certificates to the 25 best papers presented during the congress.
Earlier, the speakers and delegates were treated with a delightful dinner, accompanied with songs and cultural performances by UTP students on the evening of 12 June 2012. After the dinner, the delegates also had the opportunity to experience ‘batik chanting’, pewter smithing, mengkuang weaving and many more local handicrafts making activities.
The next ESTCON is scheduled to be held from 3 – 5 June 2014.

In his opening speech, YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khalid remarked that the theme of the congress was indeed relevant to Malaysia’s transformation into a developed country by 2020. He said, “Malaysia has come a long way in promoting research and understanding in the various areas on science and technology. While science and technology are important, social sciences and the humanities should never be marginalised and should be treated as equally important. The moment we neglect the arts and humanities, which nurture the critical and the creative perspective, then we are in fact neglecting the need for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for the adventure of ideas, and for the search of truth.”

For the Opening Ceremony, two notable speakers delivered their keynote addresses. The first keynote entitled ‘Sustainability, Energy, and Civilization: Issues and Options’ was delivered by Professor Dr Michael A Celia, Professor of Environmental Studies and Civil & Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, USA. He is also the contributing author to IPCC Working Group III Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage who shares in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. In delivering his keynote, Professor Celia revealed that science and technology provided the best options in solving the sustainability-energy problem.

The second keynote entitled “Roles and Responsibilities of Humanity Facing Global Challenges in the 21st Century" was delivered by Professor Dr Feng Da-Hsuan, Vice President of Global Strategy, Development and Evaluation, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Professor Feng concluded that in order to solve global challenges, one must not be totally dependent on science and technology, but to also understand human behaviors and public policies, as they would help in building a better world for the human race in the 21st century.

This biennial three-day congress also included 23 parallel sessions with 26 renowned plenary speakers who are experts in their respective fields. It comprised eight simultaneously-held international conferences, namely the:
1. | International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG 2012) |
2. | International Conference on Civil, Offshore & Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE 2012) |
3. | International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability (ICPER 2012) |
4. | International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM 2012) |
5. | International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced System (ICIAS 2012) |
6. | International Conference on Computer & Information Sciences (ICCIS 2012) |
7. | International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science (ICFAS 2012) |
8. |
International Conference on Management, Social Sciences & Humanities (ICMeSH2012 |

ESTCON2012 has also worked on a special Carbon Offset Project (COP) called “Save the Earth” to help minimize global warming by planting trees during the organization of the congress. For this project, UTP focus on reducing and reworking strategies to minimise carbon footprint in three key areas involved in organising the Congress, namely air travel, paper usage and electricity consumption. To achieve this, trees are planted to minimise or counter back the carbon emission level. Some of these trees are sponsored by the staff of the university. The sponsorship received for this congress are also channeled to fund the tree planting activities.

This is the second time that UTP had embarked on the project. For ESTCON 2010, 200 trees were planted at UTP and another 200 trees were planted last week in conjunction with this year’s ESTCON.

During the closing ceremony of the three day congress, YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin Fah Kui, Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Science, hoped that UTP have set the precedence and foundation for more practical sustainable solutions in various disciplines and increase efficient use of energy, water and materials. He also congratulated UTP as ESTCON 2012 has met its objectives of serving as an important platform for academic, researchers, scientists, engineers, interest groups and industry experts from all the around the world to share knowledge, have fruitful intellectual discussions and forge meaningful networking on various areas of interest. Later, YB Dato’ Sri Peter also gave away certificates to the 25 best papers presented during the congress.

Earlier, the speakers and delegates were treated with a delightful dinner, accompanied with songs and cultural performances by UTP students on the evening of 12 June 2012. After the dinner, the delegates also had the opportunity to experience ‘batik chanting’, pewter smithing, mengkuang weaving and many more local handicrafts making activities.

The next ESTCON is scheduled to be held from 3 – 5 June 2014.
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UTP signed agreement with Huawei (14 June 2012)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)
signed an agreement with Huawei in a commitment to further create and
enhance UTP graduates’ employability in the information and
communications technology (ICT) sector globally. The signing was in
conjunction with Huawei Malaysia Global Training Center (MGTC) official
opening by the Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Hj Abdul
Razak at Cyberjaya on 14 June, 2012. This new establishment in
Cyberjaya is in line with Multimedia Development Corporation Malaysia
(MDeC) and Huawei’s continuous support to the Malaysian Government’s
aspiration to accelerate the creation of ICT professionals in the
industry as well as to contribute towards the success of Malaysia in
becoming a high income economy by 2020.
Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. It is dedicated towards customer-centric innovation, strong partnerships and has established end-to-end advantages in telecom networks, devices and cloud computing. Through this agreement, Huawei will set up a Huawei University Training Lab (HUTL) under MSC Malaysia MyUniAlliance (Huawei) programme in UTP to further cultivate the interest of students in the field of next generation ICT technologies, such as Cloud Computing, Long Term Evaluation (LTE) and Fixed Broadband.
Also present at the ceremony were the Prime Minister's Special Envoy to China, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting; China’s ambassador to Malaysia, Mr. Chai Xi; Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Halim Ali; Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof and Huawei Senior Vice President, Mr Victor Wang.
BioSciences Students Excel at University of Queensland - News & Events : Taylor's University
It was a proud moment for four students from Taylor’s University School of Biosciences (SBS) when they each received the distinguished honour of a Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement at University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. The award was given based on the students’ admirable results by achieving an overall semester Grade Point Average of 6.0 out of 7.0, or higher.
Dean of Taylor’s University School of Biosciences, Dr. Stacey Yong, commented that the students have made their alma mater proud. “It is very encouraging to know that the students’ hard work and efforts are recognised, proving that excellence is one of the integral pillars of their education experience that they have received during their study at Taylor’s,” she said.
As part of the articulation programme offered with the Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons) and Bachelor of Biotechnology (Hons) degrees, the four students were transferred to University of Queensland during their first semester with Taylor’s University School of Biosciences (SBS).
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(From left)Nursaedah, Christine, Tse Chien, and Maisarah, at the Great Court,University of Queensland
“Being awarded ‘Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement’ is what I’ve always strived for. Pushing myself beyond the limit to achieve this meaningful award gives me immense satisfaction and motivation to go further,” said Maisarah Mahbon, one of the proud recipients of the award.
While the other recipient, Nursaedah Abdullah Aziz, attributed her success to the invaluable learning experience she had in UQ, Koo Tse Chien, a student of Biomedical Science, was thankful to have a team of supportive lecturers and academic staff in the university.
“I have gained in-depth knowledge and valuable experiences within these last 3 years of my programme in Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science), both in Taylor’s University and UQ. It feels very rewarding to be on the ‘Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement’ list because I know that my hard work has paid off,” quipped Christine Teo, the fourth recipient of the award
2-Dimensional Electrophoresis' Workshop for Aspiring Scientists
Taylor's University School of Biosciences (SBS), Chemoscience Malaysia Sdn. Bhd and Bio-Rad (USA) organised a three-day workshop titled, "2-Dimensional Electrophoresis - Beginners to Advanced Users". Opened to the public, the workshop saw an attendance of 20 postgraduate students and researchers from various institutions in Malaysia who intend to venture into proteomics and to master skills in the 2-DE area of biotechnology.
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Participants of the workshop with front third from the left; Dr. Anthony Ho, Dr. Anton Posch and Dr. Phelim Yong |
Proteomics is the large-scale study and screening of the proteins of a cell, organism or biological fluid, a process which requires stringently controlled steps of sample preparation, 2-D electrophoresis, image detection and analysis, spot identification, and database searches. The core technology of proteomics is 2-DE. At present, there is no other technique that is capable of simultaneously resolving thousands of proteins in one separation procedure.
2-Dimensional Electrophoresis (2-DE) is a form of gel electrophoresis commonly used to analyse proteins, and is currently the most powerful protein separation technique available in the biosciences market. In the laboratory, it has proved useful in the discovery of novel biomarkers that can be potentially developed into diagnostic kits and therapeutic agents for infectious diseases, cancer and others. Moreover, 2-DE has the ability to study proteins that undergo post-translational modification as the protein spots will appear as distinct spot clusters in horizontal or vertical axis in 2-DE gels.
Since its introduction by O'Farrell in 1975, 2-DE has been one of the driving forces behind the development of proteomics. This gel-based proteomics has the capability to analyse protein composition of a cell besides quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex mixtures of protein that made up various cellular functions. The advantage of proteomics is the ability for direct use of various biological samples such as blood plasma, serum, urine, cerebral fluid and other secretions in its analysis without any intermediate steps.
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According to Dr. Phelim Yong, lecturer at Taylor's SBS, getting the most out of proteomics especially in 2-DE remains a challenge for beginners in the biosciences field. As this approach demands the mastering and perfection in hands-on techniques in conducting experiments, participants were exposed on how to initiate, decide what to use and what they should expect from a 2-DE gel. He added that the training workshop will empower the participants to understand the key aspects of 2-DE which will make them much competent to embark into proteomics.
"This training workshop emphasised on the fundamental concepts of proteomics which comprised of understanding various strategies in sample preparation, techniques for reducing proteolysis, how to maximize the output in 2-DE, how to analyse the proteome map and others," Dr. Phelim Yong said.
Among the benefits of having completed this training, participants were able to identify strategies for protein extraction, the usage of practical techniques in 2-DE, utilise effective ways in time management during 2-DE experiments, decide the appropriate staining methods for spots detection and apply suitable statistical tools for proteome map analysis.
The guest presenter during the workshop was Dr. Anton Posch, who received his Bachelor of Food Chemistry and doctorate degree from Technical University of Munich in 1988 and 1995 respectively. Dr. Anton was also a postdoctoral fellow in the Research Institute for Occupational Medicine (BGFA), Germany. Since 2003, he has been the leading scientist at the New Technologies Research and Development, Bio-Rad USA, where he contributes to various research and training programmes. Currently, Dr. Anton embarks on a journey to share best practices in proteomics especially in sample preparation for 2-dimensional electrophoresis and Malaysia is one of his many stops.
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Dr. Anton Posch |
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